Life’s too short not to feel like yourself. Two3rds is workwear that inspires you to stand out and be free, all of the time.

We were sitting at the pub discussing how uncomfortable our work pants were. Every tradie in the pub looked the same, and the styles hadn't changed since we entered the trade. We thought, why isn't there any workwear on the market that ticked all the boxes? So Two3rds was born. We set out to create comfortable and stylish yet durable workwear. Every hard day on the tools deserves a beer so once you step into your Two3rds workwear you'll be ready for any occasion at any location.

⅓ of your life is spent working, ⅓ spent resting, and hopefully, the rest of the time is spent doing what you love. How you choose to show up for the moments in your life is up to you, and what you wear is a big part of it. We make workwear for people who want to feel like themselves all of the time. People who want to work hard, stand out and be free – this is our philosophy. Make all thirds of your life yours with Two3rds.